Monday, January 25, 2016


Seven-hundred and seventy-six. It’s the number of african americans killed by police in the United States throughout 2015, one hundred and sixty one of which were unarmed. These numbers average out to three people murdered per day, thus bringing into question the efficiency and the reliability of American police and fuelling the internet trend known as #BlackLivesMatter.

The trend was first used in the summer of 2014, by Alicia Garza as a response to a Facebook post involving the Trayvon Martin Case and the acquittal of his killer, George Zimmerman. Little did Ms. Garza know, she had just created the banner for one of the most influential and prevalent social justice movements since the 1960s.The tag encompasses not only the issue of police brutality but also of racial equality and bias within American society. As a result, it has paved the way for similar hashtags and movements such as #SayHerName, #FreddieGray, #MichaelBrown and #TamirRice etc. , all in reference to black lives lost to police brutality.

There is no denying the necessity of this movement. It is shedding light on an issue that has proven historically capable of destroying culture and eradicating any notion of equality. Although it is no longer 1920, the creation of BlackLivesMatter demonstrates that white supremacy is alive and well, that racism is and will remain an issue until further action is taken. In 2014, Alicia Garza did not only create a hashtag, she started a revolution. This woman, took the flame that was #BlackLivesMatter and spread it like wildfire. Thanks to social media, the world is talking about Michael, Tamir, Sandra and so many more of the lives lost to police brutality and racist ideals. Throughout the United States, people of all races and cultures have been in the streets protesting unjust deaths within the black community, demonstrating that the movement for racial equality has not ended and that demanding that justice be served. There have been riots in Baltimore, New York, Ferguson begging for a change in their community and a well deserved chance at achieving the American Dream. BlackLivesMatter is a revolution created by social media to educate, inspire and inform current generations and those to come. With every mention of this movement, a new piece of history is written.


  1. This is a very touching blog, I really like how in depth you went into the history of this BlackLivesMatter, its really sad, I have watched videos on how police are racist and that created something called police brutality. It has went down since before. Fantastic blog JOY!

    1. Racism is a very prominent issue throughout the world, despite what many may insist. Much of this racism is internalized and so people are not even aware of their behaviour. This argument has been used to justify several cases of police brutality, especially in white-on-black situations in the United States. Fortunately, as you have mentioned, the rates of police brutality have significantly lowered since the development of the BlackLivesMatter movement! Thank you for your comment, Hunter!

  2. really love this blog girl such a great topic to talk about very interesting and touching, i learned a lot from reading your posts my favorite was how in detail you went about talking of the history of blacklivesmatter great job joy keep it up

  3. this was a very moving and touching blog. Was absolutely shocked with how high the number was for how many african americans were killed by police. I could not believe that it averaged out to 3 people per day. No words to describe how awful that is because black lives do matter and support this 100%

    1. The oppression of African Americans has destroyed and taken the lives of so many wonderful people. Not only this, but the lack of justice being served following these losses demonstrates the supremacist ideals that remain to this day. When a white person commits a crime, they are mentally ill. When a black person commits a crime, they are dismissed as a thug. The BlackLivesMatter movement actively works to end this long fought battle for equality. Thank you for your comment!

  4. Thank you so much! It is important to understand the history of a movement so influential. Not only is this topic interesting, it provides others with the opportunity to share their thoughts, opinions and to spread the word about issues such as racism and police brutality. Through social media and similar platforms, progress is being made and we are getting closer and closer to racial equality. I appreciate your comment!
