Monday, January 25, 2016


"Ah yes, the feminist movement, one characterized by unshaven legs, lesbianism and the indisputable hatred of all men." -A Meninist, probably

These are but a few of the incredibly untrue stereotypes that surround feminism and attempt to discredit members of the movement. The spread of these among the public in regards to the feminist movement is largely due to social media and poor communication. As a result, mock movements have been created and led by misguided individuals who justify their ignorance by claiming that men and women are already equal. These people, who call themselves “Meninists”, openly accuse feminists of misandry, despite the movement’s essential belief that all women and men should have equal rights and opportunities. In doing so, “Meninism” contributes to the inequality that the feminist movement has been combating for so many decades. Further, it does not only inconvenience women in society, but the ignorance that fuels Meninists promotes hypermasculinity. This is a dangerous concept, which could be a considerable cause for the shockingly high male suicide rates, with an estimated 3000 male lives lost per year in Canada alone. The reluctance of men to seek help and to admit vulnerability has resulted in these unfortunate losses. Though, the undeniable truth is, these rates would not be so high if men did not feel it necessary to seem tough and strong, and if they were more comfortable admitting their humanity and their feelings. Essentially, Meninism is the result of internalized sexism and ignorance, one of the many causes of inequality in modern day society and ultimately a toxic trend.

On the other hand, internet trends such as HeForShe and YesAllWomen have been informing the public of the misguided ignorance and misogyny that so greatly influences our society. The YesAllWomen tag has and will continue to be used to provide real life examples of gender bias and misogyny and how it may affect men and women today. Further, the HeForShe tag addresses the desperate need for not only equality, but justice for women throughout the world. These internet trends contribute to and reinforce the ongoing battle for equality between the sexes by providing direct examples of injustice and the wrongful treatment of women. Celebrities such as Emma Watson, John Legend, Beyonce and so many more stand strong with the feminist movement and all its sections, thus promoting equality on a global scale. Thanks to the internet and the simple spread of information through trends, the feminist movement is becoming more and more influential! A hashtag a day keeps Meninists away!


  1. I enjoyed the way you opened your subject on feminism vs meninism, it was very creative and very true!! :) I also agree with the fact that the feminist movement is becoming much more influential, especially through social media. There are tweets and posts about the movement, and it will continue to grow as long as people have an interest in the subject. Great work! Keep it up!

    1. I strongly believe that the feminist movement is and will continue to be one of the most influential movements of the 2000s! Despite the ignorance that creates stereotypes and mock movements like that of Meninists, I think that this movement is incredibly important socially and historically. We can only move forward from here, and with the help of social media sparking interest among the public, we could be unstoppable! Thank you for your comment Daniella!

  2. I think that this blog has a very intesting concept to it. Menenism is something created BY A GIRL to show how some feminist make so sense and just complain about their lives. Meninism is fighting for why girls cant open the door for us, or sit us down at the table.

    1. To begin, Meninism has and will continue to be viewed as a mock movement. Further, Feminism is the belief that men and women should be treated equally in any and every situation. In saying that, I agree with you, there is no reason a woman should not be able to open the door for a man, or sit him down at a table. As I have said, feminism is for everyone and it's practice will benefit society as a whole.

  3. I like your blog, and I personally think that you have the concept of meninism wrong. While the concept began as a joke on twitter mocking corrupt feminism, the ones who actually hate men. Again not saying that all feminist are like that. But I agree with the concept of equality, but I have to say alot of feminist take some thing too far.

    1. There is no such thing as corrupt feminism. There is feminism and there is misandry. The ideals that associate feminism with the hatred of men are ignorant stereotypes that the Meninist "movement" actively supports. Who is to say that a man cannot be a feminist? He can and in fact, many are. People often confuse misandry and feminism due to the prefix of the word. However, this is but the prefix as, historically, women have been oppressed significantly more than men. Nevertheless, Feminism is the belief in equality, for both men and women.

  4. Wow this was an amazing blog. I totally share the same point views with you. Gender equality is so important. Stereotypes are also very annoying. But anyways , great blog. Keep it up !

    1. Gender equality is not only important, but it is essential for the development of a positive and just society. The actions we take now to promote equality will translate into those of future generations, allowing them to take full advantage of any and every opportunity they wish, no matter how boyish or girly it may be. We are shaping the future and starting a revolution!

  5. Very amazed with this blog Joy. It was very well written and enjoyed every minute i spent reading it. Also I personally agree with your point of view on feminism although I would not say I'm as extreme as others still believe gender equality is something we should never stop fighting for

    1. I appreciate your input, Mikayla! Feminism is essential to our society and I will admit there are some who are very committed to the cause, but they are the glue that holds this movement together. This ongoing movement would not gain any ground if it were not for supporters and people like you!
